Terms & Conditions


Hello there, and welcome! This website, www.billieschwamberg.com, is owned and operated by Billie Schwamberg [ABN: 81 525 297 155]. If you have any questions or need further information, please reach out to me: hello@billieschwamberg.com

This document sets out the Terms and Conditions you need to be aware of when using this website or purchasing from me. Please take a moment to read it through, as it sets out the terms of our relationship so that we may benefit from super clear boundaries and knowing what to expect from each other.

When you visit this website, engage with my services or purchase my products or courses, you agree that you are over the age of 18 and willing to be bound by these Terms & Conditions. If you don’t agree, you should not continue to visit this website or purchase anything from me.

All products, courses and services advertised on this website are offered in compliance with Australian Consumer Law.

These Terms & Conditions may be changed or modified from time to time. Please check back regularly to ensure you are aware of any changes.

There may be additional, specific terms provided to you in relation to my products, courses and services (including retreat experiences). If there is any inconsistency between this document and those specific terms, these Website Terms & Conditions are overruled to the extent of the inconsistency.


Content Disclaimer

On this website and across my social media accounts, I provide information about personal development. My work embraces and expresses the power of medicinal energetics, holistic coaching, NLP, hypnotherapy, reiki and sound therapy. I take an integrative approach, tending to the needs of the spiritual, emotional, mental, energetic and spiritual body. I believe that when we choose to devote time, space and energy to tune into what’s truly ready to be released and shifted in the present moment – we are not only able to fluidly move with the current of our life, but also allow ourselves to experience more of who we came here to be and embody our greatest potential.

The purpose of my offerings is to inform, inspire and support your journey of healing, awakening and transformation, so you may get to experience the full pleasure and adventure of your life. It is my deepest intention for you to live in a state of celebration and curiosity for your intentional evolution.



I conduct extensive research in order to provide content that I believe to be valuable and true but I have no responsibility for the use that you make of that information.

Please be aware that the generalised information I provide about health and holistic wellbeing is not a substitute for professional health advice tailored to your individual circumstances.

There is no professional relationship formed by your visit to my website unless you explicitly choose to work with me by purchasing my services or products.

Any testimonials or results I may display on this website are based on my experience and those of my previous clients. They are not guarantees that anyone else will achieve the same results.

While I take all reasonable care to ensure that the content I create is accurate, relevant and up to date, I make no guarantees and disclaim any legal liability for inaccuracy, incompleteness or error. If you find something that seems problematic, I’d greatly appreciate it if you could please let me know.

I may modify my content at any time, including altering or deleting it without notice.



You are responsible for your own safety, health and overall wellbeing whilst browsing the internet. Do not act on anything you read without first conducting your own research, consulting appropriately qualified professionals, and making informed choices about what is right for you, based on your personal circumstances. If you are unsure as to which of my services or products may be most supportive for you, you are welcome to contact me at hello@billieschwamberg.com for my suggestions. To ensure your own safety, I recommend that you seek professional advice (medical, financial, legal and/or other) related to your areas of desired improvement before acting on the information I provide.

By purchasing a downloadable Hypnotic Meditation from me, it is your responsibility to create a safe and suitable environment to listen to it in. For example, make sure you are in a comfortable seated position or lying down in a quiet uninterrupted space. Do not listen to my hypnotic meditations while driving, cooking, in the bath or caring for young children.

As a user of my website, you agree not to behave maliciously, spam any other user, post defamatory content about anyone, infect any aspect of my website with malware, hack into any part of my website where you don’t have my permission to be, or use my website for any purpose other than consuming my content, engaging in my programs, and purchasing my products or services. You also agree not to use my website or content in any way that is unlawful or harmful to any other person or business. If you do, I have the right to refuse you service and ban you from accessing my website or social media.



This site may offer paid and free downloads. While I take cybersecurity seriously and make every reasonable effort to ensure these downloads are safe and hassle free, I am not responsible for any viruses or other damage which might occur as a result of you downloading material from this site. Please make safety your priority and ensure you have adequate internet security to protect yourself against malicious interference from cybercriminals.



I may provide links to the websites of my affiliates and clients. I have no control over the information provided on these sites, and the links are solely for your information or education. I think they are wonderful, however I do not explicitly endorse any services or products they offer for sale, unless otherwise clearly noted. While I believe them to be reputable businesses, any relationship you enter into with them is at your own risk, and I am not a party to the transaction in any way. Also if you find a broken link, feel free to let me know. I would greatly appreciate it!


Disclaimer for Services and Products

There are a number of ways you may choose to work with me that are available to purchase or book through my website. The terms and conditions in this document apply to all of my services and products unless alternative terms are explicitly provided to you.

I offer:

  • 1:1 Sessions, held online via Zoom or in-person
  • Group Experiences, held online via Zoom or in-person
  • Seasonal 1:1 Journeys (3 weeks or more), held online via Zoom or in-person
  • Downloadable Hypnotic Meditations
  • Downloadable PDFs (i.e. journalling support / e-books for personal development)
  • Online Courses
  • A retreat held at Byron View Farm (for 1 – 2 persons max)
  • My intention in offering these services and products is to support you on your journey of healing, awakening and transforming into your greatest potential.



  • Reiki Level I, II & Master
  • Medicinal Energetics, OVERE™ Practitioner
  • Master NLP Practitioner & Coach
  • Master Therapeutic Hypnotherapist
  • Emotional Change Technique
  • Sound Therapy
  • Advanced Frequency Training



I believe it is my responsibility to create a safe and nurturing space for you to explore your needs, wants and desires, with support and accountability. I prioritise informed consent, and deliver what I have promised with integrity. I practice within the scope of my qualifications, offering services and products reflective of this. I am committed to undertaking ongoing professional and personal development to ensure I am meeting a high standard of best practice. I promise to only offer services and products that I truly believe in, having personally experienced results. It is my responsibility to stay up to date with alternative health and wellbeing research.



As a consumer engaging in my services it is your responsibility to arrive on time to your sessions, and communicate to me at least 24 hours beforehand if you are unable to attend a session and need to reschedule. Post session, you are responsible to honour and support the work we’ve done together by taking the necessary action steps outside of the session space to support your integration and embodiment. If you have any questions or require additional support, it is your responsibility to ask for what you want, desire or need from me. It is your responsibility to honour the confidentiality of our private and group sessions including any resources I may share with you. For online sessions, it is your responsibility to create a quiet and uninterrupted space and arrive on time with earphones, your computer charged, a journal and a pen.

If you have purchased one of my downloadable hypnotic meditations, it is your responsibility to listen to it in a suitable, safe environment with earphones. Do not listen to my hypnotic meditations driving, cooking, in the bath or caring for young children. In regard to the areas of your life and wellbeing you desire to improve, it is your responsibility to seek professional medical, financial or legal advice if required.

Important information about how to care for your own wellbeing and get the most value out of working with me is set out below. If you have any questions or concerns, please email me at hello@billieschwamberg.com before proceeding with your purchase.



Please thoroughly read through my offerings, terms and conditions and forms before purchasing and/or contact me at hello@billieschwamberg.com if you have any questions before purchase. Payment in full is required, unless you have discussed your circumstances with me and I have agreed to offer an approved payment plan. I do not offer refunds for change of mind.

If you have booked an online session with me or are listening to a meditation, please ensure you have earphones.

If you have booked an in-person session with me, please carefully read the instructions upon arrival. This includes address and parking details.

If you have found working with me through engaging in my services and products supportive, I’d be so grateful if you could please refer me to someone who may also benefit from working with me and/or submit a Google review. I am a small business owner, and these acts support my work so much!

I am not a Doctor or a Psychologist. My work is anchored and forever evolving in the healing arts of alternative natural health modalities; specifically across medicinal energetics, reiki, quantum healing, holistic coaching, sound therapy, neuro-linguistic programming and hypnotherapy. I am passionate and believe deeply in the potency of these modalities, having experienced powerful results in my life over the past 7 years, as well as witnessing my transformation in my clients.

If you have booked in to work with me, please be aware that shifts may begin to take place before our appointment, as our time working together energetically has already commenced. For example, you may notice new opportunities arise, emotional triggers presenting themselves, new felt sensations in the body and heightened sensitivity. There is nothing ‘wrong’ with you, this is a good thing to be aware of as healing, awakening and transformation is in progress! You are welcome to contact me at hello@billieschwamberg.com before your initial session if need be. As always, please nurture your needs if you’re feeling more sensitive than usual pre and post sessions.



I believe the degree of your evolution relies on your behaviour outside of our session space. You will get the most value out of working with me by honouring your embodiment tasks, and by prioritising your basic human needs – tending to your emotional, mental, physical and spiritual health i.e. regular movement, quality sleep, great quality drinking water, nourishing food and time in nature. I encourage you to lead with a healthy lifestyle and a regulated nervous system throughout our time working together, and beyond.

Whilst it is supportive to arrive at one of my sessions with a set intention for your experience, it is important that you have an open mind as to what may unfold as no two sessions are ever the same.

The more you can open up and be completely real with me, the more I can help you and the deeper we can go for your transformational experience. I am here to hold space for you in a most safe and supportive environment as you heal and grow.

I recommend you approach my services and/or products always with a sense of deep curiosity so you can lean into your boundless abilities and be the Creator of the life you truly desire.



There are a handful of risk factors you need to be aware of when booking in to work with me.

Firstly, I want to ensure that it is your decision to work with me, not someone else’s who “thinks you should”.

There is a level of want, desire, readiness and curiosity that is needed to create change. This is something I value deeply.

Please be aware that deep emotional work includes deep emotional releases in the body and mind, during session and also potentially throughout your integration time. Experiences of emotional release are completely normal and need to be processed in order to release and recalibrate your new ways of being.

If you experience a prolonged emotional release post session, you are not to self medicate. You are also not to attend a session while affected by drugs or alcohol.

Please let me know before our session begins if you’re pregnant or on new medication. If you desire to stop your current medication after our session, it is very important that you seek medical advice first.

For online sessions, you will want to create a safe, equipped and uninterrupted space. Otherwise, you risk not getting the most out of your session. Carving out time to tend to your space pre and post session is imperative.



If any concerns arise during our work together, I strongly recommend you seek advice from an appropriately qualified professional.

Please be aware that engaging my services does not replace the advice of a doctor or psychologist. I do not treat or diagnose disease or illness. At all times you remain fully responsible for your own physical, mental and emotional wellbeing. It is your responsibility to seek support from an appropriate health care professional for your individual wellbeing needs.

If you are already receiving support from another health practitioner, it is imperative that you receive clearance from them before making any major lifestyle changes. Please note that I am happy to collaborate with them to assist you in achieving your wellbeing goals.



You will get the most out of working with me if you have a clear desire to step into the best version of you, and are willing to take the necessary action steps to embody your greatest potential.



You might not be a good fit for this work if you are not prepared to take aligned action outside of our session space. This work is here to support you to create long term, embodied change in your life – and this requires you to consciously choose upgraded behaviour and integrate it into your daily life in a way that honours the work we do together in a session.




I do not make any guarantees or warranties about the accuracy of any material displayed on this website, or the products, services, or programs offered through it, except for any non-excludable consumer guarantees and other consumer protection provisions set out in the Australian Consumer Law. I am human and errors creep in despite the best of intentions. If you see something that doesn’t seem right, please let me know.



While I make all reasonable efforts to ensure that this website and my services and products meet with the highest standards of best practice, if something does go wrong that is not a direct result of my negligence, misrepresentation or deliberate fault, you agree that, to the fullest extent permitted by law, I will not be liable for any loss or damage arising out of or related to my website, any products or services purchased through it, or any material posted on it, irrespective of whether such damages were foreseeable, and regardless of the nature of the claim.



You take full responsibility for your implementation of any suggestions that I may make while providing my services. You understand that my advice is limited to providing you with options for your consideration, and that you are solely responsible for any actions that you choose to take. Always consult your own values and vision, do your own research, and check with appropriately qualified professionals before making major decisions or significant changes. You agree to indemnify me against all consequences arising directly or indirectly from your choices.



You expressly agree that if this indemnity is unenforceable for any reason, my total cumulative liability for all causes of action of any kind (other than negligence or deliberate wrongdoing) shall not exceed the amount that you have paid to me.


Payment Terms


All prices on my website are in Australian dollars and are inclusive of GST.



All payments made through this website are processed using Stripe.



I do not have access to your account details. Any financial information you enter is stored under Stripe’s security policy: https://stripe.com/docs/security/stripe



Payment in advance is required for single sessions, and products. If, however, you are journeying with me across a handful of sessions, there is the option of a payment plan. Payment is due within 14 days of the date of the invoice on your payment plan. If payment has not been received after 14 days, I will send you a reminder. I will continue to send weekly reminders after that until payment has been received. After the first reminder, an administration fee of $15.00 (inc. GST) will be added to the total amount due for every reminder sent. If there is a problem with payment, please contact me as soon as possible to make alternative arrangements and avoid incurring this administration fee.



Payment plans are offered for your convenience only, so you can spread your payment out over time. You are still committed to paying the whole amount, even if you change your mind about your purchase, as you have had access to my intellectual property and I have either provided the services or reserved time in my calendar to provide the services to you. It is your responsibility to ensure you have sufficient funds to make payment installments on time. Please take your time to consider whether this commitment is right for you before you decide to purchase.



If an invoice is more than 90 days overdue, you agree to pay all costs, including debt collection agency fees and solicitor’s costs, that I may incur in taking steps to recover any money that you owe to me, regardless of whether legal proceedings are issued in relation to the debt.


Refund Policy


I do not offer a refund across any of my services or products if you change your mind, so you are encouraged to consider carefully whether a purchase is right for you before you make your payment.



If you have purchased an electronic download and a minor problem presents i.e. a PDF refuses to open or a link expires due to unstable internet connection – please email me at your earliest convenience at hello@billieschwamberg.com and I will prioritise supporting you to resolve the problem as soon as possible.

If you have engaged in an online service with me via Zoom and the internet cuts out half-way through a session – I will try alternative methods to reconnect with you i.e. phone call, Facetime, Whatsapp or Telegram. If the internet / power disconnection was out of your control and I cannot reach you, I will email you with options to reschedule our session to another time.

In the case that I am ill and unable to attend a scheduled session, I will contact you as soon as possible via email with options to reschedule our session to another time that suits us both. If you are ill and unable to attend your scheduled session, please email me at your earliest convenience and we will reschedule to another time.

My products and services provide you with personalised experiences, embodiment practices and transformative aids that are designed to inspire, empower and support you on your journey of stepping into your greatest potential. I am here to help and guide you towards creating the positive changes you desire in your life, not to deliver a remedy. As a result, I do not guarantee any specific results. What you achieve from working with me will depend on a wide range of factors that are unique to you which are beyond my knowledge and control, including the reasonableness of your goals and the time and effort you dedicate to them.



I take my obligations under Australian Consumer Law seriously and will do my best to address any issues that arise. However, even if there is a major problem, my liability is strictly limited to:

  • replacing the goods or providing the services again; or
  • if I am unable to do so within a reasonable time, refunding the full amount that you have paid to me.



If you feel that there is any problem with my services/your purchase, please let me know within 48 hours of your purchase. I would love to understand what has gone wrong if you are unhappy so that I can address your concerns and try to find a mutually acceptable solution.



All sessions are held online via Zoom, unless otherwise stated as being ‘in-person’. Occasionally, I will open spaces for in-person bookings, which are held in Byron Bay or Sydney. Specific address details will be provided after booking. If not specified, please assume your session will be held online via Zoom in the comfort of your own home.

Private sessions will not be recorded, unless you request otherwise beforehand. If this is requested, note that the recording is available to you only for your personal recollection, and is not to be shared or made public for any reason.

If you have engaged in an online group container with me, this will be recorded. This recording is strictly for the people engaged in the group container, not to be shared or made public for any reason. The reason I record group sessions is in case some people can not make the live session, and so a replay is available.

Group containers are a sacred, safe, nurturing and alchemical online environment that I approach with utmost integrity, and expect the same from all participants.

If anything is unclear or confusing, I encourage you to reach out to me so I can provide clarification.


Appointment Policies

If you are unable to attend a scheduled session, I require at least 24 hours’ notice or your session will be forfeited. In the case of an unplanned emergency or sudden illness within 24 hours, please advise me at your earliest convenience and we will reschedule your session. If I am unable to attend a scheduled session due to an unplanned emergency or sudden illness, I will advise you at my earliest convenience and reschedule to a mutually convenient time.

For online sessions, it is required that you set yourself up ready in a private, quiet space. Your place of residence is ideal. A public, noisy area is not suitable. You will need to be able to focus and talk freely, so please reschedule if you know you will be interrupted, or in a noisy environment. Online sessions are held via Zoom. It is your responsibility to ensure that the software is installed and working before our session. You can download Zoom for free here https://zoom.us/signup#/signup. You will also need to ensure that your device is charged and you have your charger with you in case you need it. As well, I recommend you bring along your journal, a pen, a candle and a glass of water. After the session, you will always receive an email from me with your detailed session notes.

For in-person sessions, please be aware that my beautiful dog, Slim (Border Collie) loves to occasionally join me (for a snooze!) whilst I work. If you would prefer him not be present, please let me know and I will ensure to make alternate arrangements with him ahead of our session.

If you are a new Mama, I don’t mind if you are breastfeeding. I do however recommend, especially if you have young children, to pre-arrange support for the duration of our session so you can get the most out of our time together. It is imperative that you feel safe and able to drop in deeply in your environment. If this is not possible, please feel free to reschedule.


Intellectual Property


The content of this website and in all my courses/resources/eBooks is protected by copyright laws and treaties around the world, with all rights reserved. This means that you must not use, copy or make my work public without my permission.

You are welcome to share blog posts or other publicly available content through social media, but you must provide a link back to this website or my social media (Website: www.billieschwamberg.com / IG: @billieschwamberg)

You may store, print and reproduce the publicly available content that I supply solely for your own personal use, and only if I am clearly acknowledged as the source.

If you are participating in my courses, content may be printed or downloaded to a local hard disk or online storage strictly for your personal and non-commercial use. Course content contains my trade secrets that are offered exclusively to participants. It is an essential condition of participation that you agree that you will not provide extracts of any course content to anyone else without my explicit written consent.

Commercial exploitation of my content in any way that competes with my business is strictly prohibited.
You may link to content on my website or social media profiles, provided you do so in a way that is fair and legal and does not damage my reputation or take advantage of it. However, you must not suggest any form of association, approval or endorsement on my part where none exists.



I claim ownership of my logo as an unregistered trade mark. It may not be used without my express permission.

As a certified Overe™ Medicinal Energetics Practitioner, I am authorised to use this trade mark under license from the trade mark owner.


Respectful Communication


I reserve the right to moderate any comments made on this website, in the Facebook Groups I control, and on any of my social media pages and profiles, including deleting comments that I deem to be rude, offensive, spammy or unacceptable, without any notification or correspondence with you. Keep all communication kind and polite, please.



Disrespectful or aggressive behaviour towards me or anybody else will not be tolerated.


Dispute Resolution and Jurisdiction

If a dispute arises, you agree that you will not engage in any public discussion about the issues, will behave politely towards me, and will avoid any conduct or communication which might reasonably be expected to interfere with my business or personal interests. You agree to act in good faith and be reasonably cooperative at all stages of the dispute resolution process. I will treat you with the same consideration.



If you have any concerns, issues, or complaints arising out of your use of this website, my products or services, or these terms and conditions, you agree to communicate with me with the intention of making a genuine effort to seek a win/win solution and trying to resolve the dispute in good faith through negotiation and discussion. Please email me at hello@billieschwamberg.com and expect a response within 3 business days.



If the dispute cannot be resolved by negotiation and discussion within 14 days, you agree to proceed to mediation with the assistance of an independent accredited mediator, seeking mediation online or by telephone if anyone would need to travel for more than an hour to attend the mediation.

The mediator is to be appointed by agreement or, failing agreement within 14 days of the negotiation period ending, I will provide you with contact details for at least 2 appropriately qualified, neutral mediators (having first confirmed their availability), and you must select one of them within 48 hours of receiving the nominations. All costs of mediation must be shared equally.

Legal action must not be commenced until, in the opinion of the independent mediator, the potential for negotiation and mediation have been exhausted.



These Website Terms & Conditions are subject to the governing law of New South Wales, Australia. Regardless of where you live in the world, you irrevocably agree that if the dispute resolution processes fail, the courts of New South Wales and the Commonwealth of Australia, will have exclusive jurisdiction.

Thank you for reading and cooperating with my Terms & Conditions



This document was created with the support of Carefree Counsel. Please note that copying it without permission is a breach of copyright. Show respect for us, yourself and your your clients by getting your own Contracts that Care via https://www.carefreecounsel.com